Our Commitment to Nature…
At Mill Farm our commitment to our wider environment is unwavering. Sustainability is the key to longevity which in turn helps to build a better community in our local area. As a working farm we have been established as organic for over 25 years. We firmly believe that connecting the wider public with local producers is a great way to better educate the public as to how food is produced and more importantly reduce food miles.
The farm is now flourishing with healthy soils, more wildlife and more bio-diversity. Just over 4 years ago we planted 700 native Oak trees on the farm in a bid to create new woodland areas. As a business we are very proud to be able to share this with our customers. Every year we actively plant at least 100 new hedging species to bolster our hedgerows. To learn more try a Farm Tour!
We value the local area that we are lucky enought to call home and here are a few tips for you to do your bit during your stay…..

Support Local
Where you can please use local products and services. They give you a flavour of the area and help support our communities. We are fortunate to have some great producers of food and drink in our area.
Do visit Poulshot Lodge Farm for local fresh produce, a milk station, locally grown meat including sausage rolls from Padfields Porkies, and a fantastic coffee shop called Holly Chocs. Or pop into our nearest town of Devizes and discover the famous 6X ale made at Wadworths Brewery.
Our local pubs and restaurants are full of character and charm and we highly recommend visiting these during your stay such as The Black Swan Inn in Devizes.
We believe we have a great range of small great local producers in our area and we want to support those as close as possible to our location, rather than big suppliers that you may find in your supermarket at home.
Our laundry is all done in house on the farm using the most up to date eco friendly machines and we heat the water using our geo-thermal system.
We are proud that we have developed all of our accommodation using local tradesmen to support the local economy and build a strong network of trusted work partners. We source all materials from local suppliers such as timber merchants Vastern Sawmills. The accommodation such as the magical King Arthurs Willow uses electricty supplied by our on-site solar panel installation. A cleaner renewable energy source is of utmost importance to our business. We use a local energy supplier to ensure we keep to our support local ethos.